Installation instructions



edgel3 has been tested with Tensorflow 2.0 and Keras 2.3.1.

>>> pip install tensorflow==2.0.0


edgel3 depends on the pysoundfile module to load audio files, which depends on the non-Python library libsndfile. On Windows and macOS, these will be installed via pip and you can therefore skip this step. However, on Linux this must be installed manually via your platform’s package manager. For Debian-based distributions (such as Ubuntu), this can be done by simply running

>>> apt-get install libsndfile1

For more detailed information, please consult the pysoundfile installation documentation.

Installing edgel3

The simplest way to install edgel3 is by using pip, which will also install the additional required dependencies if needed. To install edgel3 using pip, simply run

>>> pip install edgel3

To install the latest version of edgel3 from source:

  1. Clone or pull the lastest version:
>>> git clone
  1. Install using pip to handle python dependencies:
>>> cd edgel3
>>> pip install -e .