

With edgel3, you can compute audio embeddings from smaller versions of L3 models that can be useful for resource constrained devices. The supported audio formats are those supported by the pysoundfile library, which is used for loading the audio (e.g. WAV, OGG, FLAC).

Using the Library

edgel3 supports two types of model_type:

  • sparse: sparse L3 audio
  • sea: SONYC-UST specialized L3 audio

The deafult audio model is 95.45% pruned and fine-tuned sparse L3 audio. You can compute audio embeddings out of default model by:

import edgel3
import soundfile as sf

audio, sr = sf.read('/path/to/file.wav')
emb, ts = edgel3.get_embedding(audio, sr)

get_embedding returns two objects. The first object emb is a T-by-D numpy array, where T is the number of analysis frames used to compute embeddings, and D is the dimensionality of the embedding. The second object ts is a length-T numpy array containing timestamps corresponding to each embedding (to the center of the analysis window, by default).

These defaults for sparse models be changed via the following optional parameters:

  • sparsity: 53.5, 63.5, 72.3, 87.0, or 95.45 (default)
  • retrain_type: “kd”, “ft” (default)

For example, to get embedding out of 81.0% sparse audio model that has been trained with knowledge-distillation method, you can use:

import edgel3
import soundfile as sf

audio, sr = sf.read('/path/to/file.wav')
emb, ts = edgel3.get_embedding(audio, sr, model_type='sparse', retrain_type='kd', sparsity=81.0)

All sea models have reduced input representation. Moreover, models with embedding dimension < 512 also have reduced architecture. The default embedding dimension for sea models is 128 and it can be changed with the help of emb_dim parameter:

  • emb_dim: 512, 256, 128 (default), 64
import edgel3
import soundfile as sf

audio, sr = sf.read('/path/to/file.wav')
emb, ts = edgel3.get_embedding(audio, sr, model_type='sea', emb_dim=256)

By default edgel3 will pad the beginning of the input audio signal by 0.5 seconds (half of the window size) so that the the center of the first window corresponds to the beginning of the signal (“zero centered”), and the returned timestamps correspond to the center of each window. You can disable this centering like this:

emb, ts = edgel3.get_embedding(audio, sr, center=True)

The hop size used to extract the embedding is 0.1 seconds by default (i.e. an embedding frame rate of 10 Hz). In the following example we change the hop size from 0.1 (10 frames per second) to 0.5 (2 frames per second):

emb, ts = edgel3.get_embedding(audio, sr, hop_size=0.5)

Finally, you can silence the Keras printout during inference (verbosity) by changing it from 1 (default) to 0:

emb, ts = edgel3.get_embedding(audio, sr, verbose=0)

By default, the model file is loaded from disk every time get_embedding is called. To avoid unnecessary I/O when processing multiple files with the same model, you can load it manually and pass it to the function via the model parameter:

model = edgel3.models.load_embedding_model(model_type='sparse', retrain_type='ft', sparsity=53.5)
emb1, ts1 = edgel3.get_embedding(audio1, sr1, model=model)
emb2, ts2 = edgel3.get_embedding(audio2, sr2, model=model)

Since the model is provided, keyword arguments model_type and all parameters associated with sea and sparse will be ignored.

To compute embeddings for an audio file from a given model and save them to the disk, you can use process_file:

import edgel3
import numpy as np

audio_filepath = '/path/to/file.wav'

# Save the embedding output to '/path/to/file.npz'

# Saves the embedding output to '/path/to/file_suffix.npz'
edgel3.process_file(audio_filepath, suffix='suffix')

# Saves the embedding output to `/different/dir/file_suffix.npz`
edgel3.process_file(audio_filepath, output_dir='/different/dir', suffix='suffix')

The embddings can be loaded from disk using numpy:

import numpy as np

data = np.load('/path/to/file.npz')
emb, ts = data['embedding'], data['timestamps']

As with get_embedding, you can load the model manually and pass it to process_file to avoid loading the model multiple times:

import edgel3
import numpy as np

model = edgel3.models.load_embedding_model(model_type='sparse', retrain_type='ft', sparsity=53.5)

audio_filepath = '/path/to/file.wav'

# Save the embedding output to '/path/to/file.npz'
edgel3.process_file(audio_filepath, model=model)

# Saves the embedding output to '/path/to/file_suffix.npz'
edgel3.process_file(audio_filepath, model=model, suffix='suffix')

# Saves the embedding output to `/different/dir/file_suffix.npz`
edgel3.process_file(audio_filepath, model=model, output_dir='/different/dir', suffix='suffix')

Using the Command Line Interface (CLI)

To compute embeddings for a single file via the command line run:

$ edgel3 /path/to/file.wav

This will create an output file at /path/to/file.npz.

You can change the output directory as follows:

$ edgel3 /path/to/file.wav --output /different/dir

This will create an output file at /different/dir/file.npz.

You can also provide multiple input files:

$ edgel3 /path/to/file1.wav /path/to/file2.wav /path/to/file3.wav

which will create the output files /different/dir/file1.npz, /different/dir/file2.npz, and different/dir/file3.npz.

You can also provide one (or more) directories to process:

$ edgel3 /path/to/audio/dir

This will process all supported audio files in the directory, though it will not recursively traverse the directory (i.e. audio files in subfolders will not be processed).

You can append a suffix to the output file as follows:

$ edgel3 /path/to/file.wav --suffix somesuffix

which will create the output file /path/to/file_somesuffix.npz.

To get embedding out of a sea model, model_type and emb_dim can be provided

$ edgel3 /path/to/file.wav --model-type sea --emb-dim 256

To get embedding out of a sparse model, sparsity and retrain_type arguments can be provided, for example:

$ edgel3 /path/to/file.wav --model-type sparse --model-sparsity 53.5 --retrain-type kd

By default, edgel3 will pad the beginning of the input audio signal by 0.5 seconds (half of the window size) so that the the center of the first window corresponds to the beginning of the signal, and the timestamps correspond to the center of each window. You can disable this centering as follows:

$ edgel3 /path/to/file.wav --no-centering

In the following example we change the hop size from 0.1 (10 frames per second) to 0.5 (2 frames per second):

$ edgel3 /path/to/file.wav --hop-size 0.5

Finally, you can suppress non-error printouts by running:

$ edgel3 /path/to/file.wav --quiet

A sample of full command for sparse model may look like:

$ edgel3 /path/to/file.wav --output /different/dir --suffix somesuffix --model-type sparse --model-sparsity 53.5 --retrain-type kd --no-centering --hop-size 0.5 --quiet

A sample of full command for sea model may look like:

$ edgel3 /path/to/file.wav --output /different/dir --suffix somesuffix --model-type sea --emb-dim 64 --no-centering --hop-size 0.5 --quiet